
Wireless Medical Devices: Mobile Apps & Cloud Computing

Bernhard Kappe
Bernhard Kappe

This post was previously on the Pathfinder Software site. Pathfinder Software changed its name to Orthogonal in 2016. Read more

Big opportunities are being driven by changes in the healthcare market.  There’s been an increasing emphasis on value-based care, not least as a result of the affordable care act.  For example, providers are increasingly trying to free up data locked in systems in the hospital, and making it available to physicians wherever they are. Some of the ‘freeing-up’ happens because of wireless communication.

Why wireless?

  • It makes connected devices more convenient.  They can be connected and in communication even if they’re not wired.
  • They can be more portable.  You can take them outside the hospital setting.
  • More convenient, more usable.  In the case of implantables, a lot easier on the patient.

In his talk ‘The Other Side of Wireless’, Bernhard Kappe reviews approaches for building systems that incorporate medical devices, diagnostics, and sensors with mobile, cloud computing and analytics to deliver solutions for improved health outcomes.  Highlighted are areas of opportunity such as managing chronic conditions, perioperative management, patient monitoring, early detection and prevention, extending therapies outside of a clinical environment, and adherence to medication.

If you have questions about the presentation or have a related project you’re working on let us know.

Orthogonal works with companies in the medical sector to design and build systems for improved health outcomes.  A lot of what we do involves integrating devices, diagnostics and sensors with mobile and cloud computing, and we provide services to accelerate innovation, from innovation portfolio management through design, prototyping, development, and maintenance.

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