
Orthogonal™ Announces New Brand and Pivots to IoT Medical Device Software

Ke Li Yew
Ke Li Yew


Orthogonal, a boutique software development company headquartered in Chicago, will exclusively develop connected care companion software for manufacturers who build wireless and wired medical devices.
The company has designed and developed companion software that allows doctors to monitor, diagnose and treat diseases using wireless and wired medical devices both in the hospital and remotely. Orthogonal’s connected medical device software has been used in Class I, II and III medical devices regulated by the FDA.

“We wanted to capitalize on our niche expertise and focus on providing greater service to our clients by developing software in a single vertical,” said founder and CEO Bernhard Kappe.
Kappe’s decision to shift the company’s development focus was prompted, in part, by trends in the health care industry as well as the changing needs of medical device manufacturers. “In this environment, manufacturers have to be able to demonstrate that their medical device is aligned with value-based care delivery,” said Kappe.

Value-based care delivery, a set of guiding principles created by Michael Porter, seeks to optimize patient outcomes and thereby reduce health care costs. Delivering services remotely through wireless devices so that patients can avoid readmission or unnecessary hospital trips is closely aligned with value-based health care delivery.

“Increasingly, the functionality and value of wireless medical devices depends on the underlying software. We build connected care systems for our manufacturing partners that increase the value of their devices,” shared Kappe.

Along with the strategic shift in services, the company has also rebranded and launched a new website. Today, the company went public with their new logo, website and social media properties. With this new and streamlined design, Orthogonal’s website visitors now have access to information about the company’s services, case studies and extensive market insights.

About Orthogonal™

Orthogonal specializes in designing and building connected care systems that integrate medical devices, sensors and diagnostics with mobile applications, cloud computing and clinical systems. Our clients include medical device startups developing breakthrough therapies, diagnostics and monitoring solutions using wearable sensors and implanted devices. They also include industry leaders looking to extend their devices with systems and services and measurably improve health economic outcomes and position them to prosper in a value-based care environment. We offer full life-cycle product design and development services using an Agile development process that accelerates product introduction and minimizes risk.

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