How Design Can Improve Ratings for Medical Device Apps
This post was previously on the Pathfinder Software site. Pathfinder Software changed its name to Orthogonal in 2016. Read more.
Todd Wyder and I gave a talk on marketing mobile apps at Mobile Mondays Chicago at Morningstars swanky offices on State Street.
Selling mobile applications is far more difficult than selling SaaS applications. Currently, there are over 732,609 available apps to download. As of September of 2012, the iPhone App Store averaged 394 new apps every day. The Android Market averaged 243. Long gone are the days of throwing an app up into an app store and watching the dollars flow.
We launch a lot of mobile applications for our customers, and one of the things we’ve found is that in order to achieve success, you need to start marketing before you start building and that your marketing efforts may be greater than your development effort.
Topics covered include: - The many different marketing channels you can use to market your app
It’s a rapidly evolving field, so if there are additional techniques that work for you, please share them in the comments.
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