Top 10 SaMD Job Boards & Regional Organizations

Randy Horton
Randy Horton


In our quest to improve patient outcomes faster by accelerating the development of Software as a Medical Device (SaMD), Digital Therapeutics (DTx) and connected medical device systems, Orthogonal has collaborated with people, companies and organizations all across MedTech. These collaborations, where we share findings, learn from others and develop best practices, have led us to exciting new insights, and sparked the creation of this comprehensive resource to help you to make a deeper connection to our industry and its people.

In nature, animals across an ecosystem come to the watering hole to drink. Regardless of size or strength, everyone benefits from coming together and sharing resources. Orthogonal’s SaMD Watering Holes series supports our natural tendencies to gather by highlighting how you can get involved in the entities and organizations that make up our industry. Forge new connections, gain diverse perspectives and help collaboratively solve the problems MedTech is facing today by tapping into these deep wells of knowledge.

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Part 4: Job Boards & Regional Organizations

The previous watering holes we shared contained resources for anyone in MedTech to explore, regardless of their role or size of company. Our final article covers job boards and regional MedTech organizations and meetups, more specialized resources for individuals seeking additional opportunities for job growth and networking.

Job Boards

Looking for a new career in MedTech? The following watering holes have job boards that are open to the community and/or to organization members.


The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation® (AAMI) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1967. It is a diverse community of more than 10,000 professionals united by one important mission – the development, management, and use of safe and effective health technology. AAMI is the primary source of consensus standards, both national and international, for the medical device industry, as well as practical information, support, and guidance for healthcare technology and sterilization professionals.

The AAMI Career Center provides 24-hour access to job openings in the health technology field. Job seekers can create cover letters, job alerts and multiple resumes. Additionally, the Career Center allows job seekers to remain anonymous in their search.

2. AdvaMed

The Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed) is a trade association that leads the effort to advance medical technology in order to achieve healthier lives and healthier economies around the world. The Association acts as the common voice for companies producing medical devices, diagnostic products and digital health technologies.

The AdvaMed Medtech Career Center gives access to job openings, candidates and resources. As part of the National Healthcare Career Network, the AdvaMed Career Center connects to an extensive network of jobs and candidates from more than 350 healthcare organizations and job boards.

3. Digital Medicine Association (DiME)

The Digital Medicine Association (DiMe) is the professional home for digital medicine. DiMe tackles the toughest digital medicine challenges, develops clinical-quality resources on a tech timeline, and delivers these actionable resources to the field via open-source channels and educational programs.

The DiMe Jobs Board contains job listings crowdsourced from DiMe members, covering a wide spectrum of disciplines and organizations in digital medicine.

4. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES)

The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society is the world’s largest scientific association for human factors/ergonomics professionals. HFES provides education, builds connections, and advocates on behalf of the human factors/ergonomics field and fosters collaboration across the spectrum of professionals to drive forward advances in human factors and ergonomics.

HFES offers resources to help its members advance their careers in human factors and ergonomics. The HFES Job Board has convenient search features that let members review and apply for open positions, set up job alerts, upload their resumes and review career resources.

5. Medtech Women

MedtechWomen is a 501(c)3 organization founded by MedTech executives to connect, educate and inspire fellow MedTech women by creating an ongoing content-driven, solutions-oriented dialogue on the future of the industry. Dedicated to highlighting and promoting underrepresented MedTech leaders inclusive of all races, ethnicities and gender identities, MedtechWomen envisions a time when the MedTech industry represents the diversity of its served populations, leading to improvements in diagnosis, treatment and outcomes.

Registered members of Medtech Women can view and apply for jobs on their Job Board.

Regional/Local MedTech Meetups & Organizations

You don’t have to go far to find these watering holes. Regional/local MedTech meetups and organizations offer events and networking opportunities to professionals in their home regions. Connect and collaborate with peers in your immediate area to solve MedTech issues that are close to home.

1. BioCom California Tech+BioTech+MedTech – Silicon Valley

California’s Silicon Valley and life science ecosystem are uniquely positioned to address the future of healthcare. Biocom California’s new Tech+Biotech+Medtech (T+B+M) community aims to capitalize on existing expertise by creating opportunities for experts from biotechnology, medical technology and other consumer driven technologies to come together to realize the full promise of digital health.

2. BioscienceLA – Southern California

BioscienceLA’s mission is to ensure that Los Angeles has a collaborative, well-coalesced ecosystem that encompasses all aspects of the Southern California life sciences cluster – biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, medical diagnostics, bioinformatics, healthcare IT, MedTech, digital health and more.

3. Boston Safety-critical Software and AI/ML Meetup – Boston, MA

The Boston Safety-critical Software and AI/ML Meetup is a forum to discuss ideas and share knowledge about safety-critical software system development, including topics in medical devices, BioTech/pharmaceuticals, aerospace and other industries.

4. DeviceAlliance – Southern California

DeviceAlliance was formed in 2009 to serve the Southern California medical device industry, promoting the vitality of the marketplace and its people. DeviceAlliance understands that people need other people to realize their full potential. This level of connectivity defines the essence of how DeviceAlliance creates professional and personal fulfillment.

5. MassMedic – New England

The Massachusetts Medical Device Industry Council (MassMEDIC) is the largest regional MedTech association in the United States. For more than a quarter of a century, MassMEDIC has been the voice of the groundbreaking medical technology industry in New England, advocating for sound public policy that supports innovation and fostering a community built on a shared purpose. MassMEDIC members are part of a community of innovators that believe in collaboration and collective success. Their network and resources help members navigate today’s evolving healthcare ecosystem and strengthen their goals through connection, education, awareness and advocacy.

6. MATTER Chicago – Chicago, IL

MATTER is a global healthcare startup incubator, community nexus and corporate innovation accelerator headquartered in Chicago. MATTER mobilizes a community of entrepreneurs, industry innovators, scientists and clinicians committed to improving health and care for every patient.


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