The SaMD Toolbox Webinar Series

Discover Best Practices for Accelerating SaMD Development

In our 2024 webinar series, Orthogonal reveals tips, tricks and best practices honed from our over 15 years of experience to accelerate the total development life cycle of Software as a Medical Device (SaMD). 

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Past Live Webinars


Insights into New Quality Benchmark for MedTech


Understanding Medical Device Users Through PPI


Digital Transformation for Medical Devices


Accelerate Updates to AI Algorithms with PCCP


Roadmap for Generative AI Inside Medical Devices


Evolving Your SaMD with Ongoing Releases


Gathering Medical Device Data & Evidence


What Medical Device Software to Develop Under QMS

Expert Speakers

Bernhard Kappe Photo

Bernhard Kappe

CEO & Founder, Orthogonal

Randy Horton

Randy Horton

Chief Solutions Officer, Orthogonal

Kwame Ulmer Headshot 300x300

Kwame Ulmer

Managing Partner, MedTech Impact Partners

christian johnson headshot square

Christian Johnson

CEO and Founder, ScoutMedix, Strategic Development, Essenvia

Jennifer McCaney

Jennifer McCaney

Co-Executive Director of UCLA Biodesign

Clay Anselmo

Clay Anselmo

Principal Quality and Regulatory Consultant, Shriner and Associates

Elisabeth George

Elisabeth George

Regulatory Fellow, Orthogonal

brendan oleary headshot square

Brendan O’Leary

Digital Health Technology Consultant

ashley miller headshot square 2

Ashley Miller

Senior Director of Regulatory Affairs, Digital Diagnostics

yu zhao headshot square

Yu Zhao

Founder and President, Bridging Consulting

keith gausmann headshot square

Keith Gausmann

Partner, BLUR Product Development

Cyndi Grossman headshot

Dr. Cynthia (Cyndi) Grossman, Ph.D.

Director, Division of Patient-Centered Development FDA CDRH

Olufemi Babalola headshot

Olufemi Babalola, MSc., MHS., PhD

Health Economist, Division of Patient-Centered Development FDA CDRH

Todd Snell headshot square sm

Todd Snell

Founder, Leadership Coach and Advisor, Camber Advisors, LLC

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Christine Poulos

Senior Economist, RTI International

Vanessa DeBruin

Vanessa DeBruin

Sr. Clinical Research Director, Coronary and Renal Denervation Medtronic, Inc.